What is clutter?


Following on from my new year’s resolution and still looking at how to close 2017 and get rid of any unnecessary things/ objects/ thoughts, I watched Denise Linn  video Hay House What is clutter? to assist me in my quest.

Clutter clearing is not just about moving stuff, it is an emotional and emotional journey. It is also clears any blocks, limitations and patterns. It is about letting go.

Clutter clearing is modern day alchemy. Nowadays in the Western civilisation we are bereft of rituals and ceremonies. These are needed and alchemy gives form. Denise affirms that, as you clear clutter away with passion and love you can gain clarity about your life. Simply by moving an object you may be also removing a family pattern, a relationship and emotional blockages. It allows you to remember what is important for you and what your soul wants.

So, what is clutter? Denise Linn explains it as follows:

if you do not love it, it is clutter as it is clogging your life,
 creating blockages and barriers and it is stealing your time

Clutter can be a trigger for memories and associations. In this video Denise says that you probably have things which trigger negative associations so, instead of stepping into a sanctuary where your energy is uplifted, your energy goes down when you are at home. There may be tens of things which bring you down. As you clear this energy blockage starts to resolve. This should not be a chore but a grand spiritual adventure. This is about your life with every object you remove your life improves and gets lighter. As you have a vision of what you desire each object will propel you towards it.

I did a major clear out a few years ago. I moved away from my family house to a new house. The previous house held a lot of memories belonging to the family which were very painful to release. The clearing process took time and a lot of feelings emerged. I gave them space to arise and released them. I stopped at regular intervals to release emotions and ensure that I had a lot of self-care through this process. If you are aware that tidying up certain categories is going to bring up strong emotions ensure that you plan for them so they have space and time to be released. Be also aware that unexpressed emotions can come up and it is best to deal with them. Seek help if you need it.

So, a few questions you may like to think about

  • What are you going to tidy up first?
  • When are you going to do it? Put it in the diary and get ready to dedicate the time, space and energy it takes.

As you tidy up ideas may emerge as to other things/ actions you would like to take. Do not dismiss them, keep a journal near you and write everything down. These may be the seeds of change you were looking for.

Let me know how your tidying up went by writing a comment below.

  • What emotions did clearing bring for you?
  • How did you feel afterwards?


About Malena 113

I am a light worker. I was born in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain in the early seventies and first came to England in my late teens. From then on I visited a few times, came to do some sightseeing, studied and finally settled down to work. Reiki found me in the early 2000 as a continuation of my spiritual development. I achieved Masters in Reiki in 2010 and have trained other people since. I am currently studying Theta Healing, another modality of healing. I also work with angels and archangels and they are now part of my everyday life.
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